Whats this Blog about?

Just a blog about aggravating people! Or aka Trolling! If you have never herd of trolling before i highly recommend this link: http://tinyurl.com/4jemm5m It will give you all the information you need!!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Wow i still have this. . .

Its seriously been a long time since ive been on here. I almost forgot this even existed. Wow almost 1000 views. I feel so bad for not updating. . . Almost as if ive been trolling people who want to learn how to troll.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Troll #6 Water sprayer trick

Well i got another one for you guys. This one requires a sink with a water sprayer attachment. (like the one in the picture) So I came up with this idea because my roommate kept leaving the faucet running at night and the dripping drives me crazy. All you need to do is tape the sprayer handle down and aim it so it will spray who ever turns the faucet on in the face. It works really well with clear tape. (that way its incognito)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Troll #5 I WANT SOME CRACK!!!!!! (deep scary voice)

Ok i dont know about you guys but i live in a bad neighbor hood. I mean one time i had some crack head bang on my door at 3am because he thought my house was the dope mans house! (The dope man lived next door so this happened often) Any way this began to irratate me to no degree so i thought i would play a little prank on them and if you have problems with crack heads you can do it too! All you need to do is find some cellophane (aka the plastic wrapping you find on a pack of cigarettes) and some small white rocks. (or if your feeling really evil use drywall and cover it in oral gel for that realistic numbing) So simply put the rocks in the cellophane and twist it up real tight and burn the opening closed with a lighter for the pro drug dealer affect. Now that you have your "crack" ready just go to a high foot traffic area were crack heads are known to walk and drop the bag. (I did this on the street next to my house so i could sit on my porch and watch) Now this sit back and wait for some cracky to pick it up. If the spot you chose was anything like were i live that shouldnt take long. And there you go you just made and destroyed a crackheads day! (the same thing can be done to pot heads too. just use lawn clippings or oregano)

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Troll #4 Ear Gauge lock!

Ok so if you have been any were near a college then you have seen those annoying people with the weird loop things in there ears. Well there called gauges. Anyway i thought of a fun trick to pull on these people. Go to any hardware store and buy a master lock. Then go to any bar that is near a college (there always there) and find some guy or girl with gauges. Start to talk to them and get them to look the other way. (look that girl just took her top off usually works) While there ear lobe is exposed attach the lock and run like hell! Take that you damn hipster!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So we all know how good it feels to be walking down the street and you just happen to look down and HOLY BAT SHIT BATMAN!!!! Theres a dollar!!! Yes we have all had that moment! So heres a way to give that moment to someone and well immediately take it away from them lol! You can try this pretty much in any public place. For small time trolling take a one dollar or if your feeling daring a five dollar bill and cut the very corner off. It has to be enough so that the whole number is showing! Then tape your corner to a piece of blank paper is roughly the same size as a bill, that way it gives that realistic tug when someone finds it. (for extra trolliness feel free to write a message or design your own troll money!!!) Then go down to lets say a library and goto one of the computers. (it helps if its busy there, the more people the less time you will have to wait for it to work) Sit there and check your facebook or if your in denial your Myspace. After that simply put "your bill" under the keyboard with only the corner part hanging out so it looks like theres a full bill underneath the keyboard!! Then after you get up just wait for someone to go were you were sitting and discover your forgotten 'money'!!!  You will know when they do cause there face will be like :O and they will immediately start looking around lol. I did this at a restaurant with a fifty and left her a "tip" under my plate :P

Rant #1 Texting v.s Calling

Ok so when you want to talk to someone but there no were around what do you do??? Are you one of those people who send out a text? Or are you one of those people who call that mofo? I must admit i am a texter. I hate calling people because my hearing is terrible and i can never understand what the person on the other line is saying!!! Although even if i could understand there gargled gibberish i have a shitty phone company and my calls have a bad habit of being dropped just because i walked under a tree!! Any way thats why i prefer texting!! I mean first of all if your like me and cant stand the sound of certain peoples voices over the phone. Texting eliminates that problem for you!! That and you can have time to think of witty responses to your friends messages!!! The only downfall to that though is that your friend being the normal idiot that he/she is cant tell if your joking in this situation!! See if i was talkin to them in person or god forbid over the phone they could listen to my tone of voice and be able to tell my "go f*ck yourself" was in a joking manner and not me giving them a  suggestion! So thats my rant! Would very much like feed back! So please tell me if you are a Heyyyy [insert fruity sig here]  or a "hello" "hey its me what you doing"?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Troll #2 Bring the heat to Speeders

Ok i got another one! Are you tired of people speeding there cars through your neighborhood?! I mean theres no real reason to be going 35mph to 45mph through a residential area with kids playing and people walking around right!  Well if you want to stop it and maybe get a little amusement at the same time all you have to is one thing! And believe me this works!!! Just get a hair dryer and point it at cars going by!! I swear this works and its funny too lol. Heres a video of it working!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_b7RDuLwcI

Troll #1 Knock and never Return

This is my first way u can troll someone in real life lol its very simple and very funny Specialy if its one of those annoying neighbors you dont like talking too. Ok here it goes XD "You hear a knock at the door. Answer it and tell the person "wait one second ill be right back" then go into the other room and listen to music or what ever u wanna do lol. Any way congrats you just trolled someone!! :P

The first post EVER!!!

Hoooray! My blog is finally started!!! Now everyone can suffer and read through my random thoughts!! Good luck to you guys!!!!